Meet Terri Anderson Wilber CHt MPNLP CEO and Lead Trainer at Ascent Training & Consulting
On this week's episode of The LivLocal Show, host Sean Savitt with LIVLUX Real Estate has the privilege to sit down with Terri Anderson Wilber CHt MPNLP the CEO and Lead Trainer of Ascent Training & Consulting. Join us as we talk personal growth, life goals and so much more!!
Describe your business
Let go! Lean in! Level up! A Quantum Leap breakthrough session will allow the client to release baggage (negative emotions and limiting decisions) to have massive positive movement in a specific area of life (career, relationship, health/fitness, spiritual growth, personal development or family). Additionally, we have a 96% success rate with our Quit Smoking in 60 minutes or less program – so much so that I offer a money back guarantee. Other trainings include Hack Your Brain, The Edge Wealth Consciousness Program, HEARTSense Relationship Workshop and our signature Ascent Coaches Training Program.
What made you decide to open this business?
With my own history as a 911 dispatcher and my brother’s military career as an A-10 Warthog fighter pilot, I recognize the need for emotional support for our police, fire, military that did not look like traditional talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy or seeing a psychiatrist. When I found the Mental and Emotional Release® process and personally experienced its effectiveness, I was hooked and knew I’d found my vehicle to help people. My goal is to help 10,000+ souls with positive transformation while I’m on the planet.
How did you get started?
I was already working in the personal development realm for a seminar company when I attended my first neurolinguistic programming (NLP) training back in 2012. As I mentioned about my brother and his military service, I watched a demonstration of the MER® process and knew this would be a key technique to help my brother resolve his struggle of knowing he took lives when he dropped bombs. I have been infinitely impressed with the power and effectiveness of this technique without the client having to actually RELIVE any of the negative emotions or dredge up and retell the whole story.
Why did you choose this profession?
I legit want to help people and make a difference on the planet.
What drives you to do what you do? What motivates you?
Knowing someone is living their best life as a result of work I’ve assisted with. Case in point was my client to developed a severe anxiety around flying and would have panic attacks for weeks before upcoming trips. In just one session, we resolved his anxiety and he got on a plane three days later with no discomfort at all. Flew home the same way – no panic, no anxiety. That’s pretty freaking cool!!
What has surprised you most when owning a business?
The amount of support required to be successful!! Being an entrepreneur is tough on the best days, yet wearing all the hats in my business is woefully ineffective. Having a team to complement my own skill set makes the process so much better for everyone involved, especially the client!!
What was it like when you first started?
Scary!! What will people think? Will people “get it”? How do I explain something so simple yet so profound that people are willing to let go of their baggage. Like riding a bike, it took a hot minute to get the wheels pointed in the same direction and get my sea legs under me.
What is something most people don't know about the business?
That you really can let go of the past and skyrocket to the future you choose and it can be EASY. “Easy” does not mean without effort. It means that it can be simple. We, as humans, have a tendency to overcomplicate the crap out of everything!!!
What would your customers say they love most about your business?
The way they FEEL after they have their sessions. One of my coaching clients is a Harvard-educated medical doctor who is on fire right now with a new program he is building to take him out of the traditional role of doctor/patient/clinic. Before we started working together, he didn’t see this as a realistic prospect for himself.
What are some odd requests you've had from clients?
To make them like broccoli or fish!!! Hilarious! One specific NLP technique I frequently do with clients is called a “like to dislike map across” where we can neurologically change how your brain is hardwired. We take a food that really has a hold on you (in an unhealthy way) and map it over to a food that you have an extreme dislike for. Example – I myself volunteered to be the demo subject back at my first NLP training in 2012. Reese’s peanut butter cups were my kryptonite! I’d buy the king sized 4-pack at the grocery check out and they’d be gone by the time the car pulled in the driveway. I mapped it across to raw sushi tuna. Don’t ask. Just know, to me, it’s repulsive at a level 10. I haven’t had a Reese’s peanut butter cup since September 1, 2012!! Even the thought makes me gag. People who have experienced this technique often want to reverse it. Make me like vegetables or salad or fish. Unfortunately, the technique does not work that way. LOL
What are your goals over the next year?
To find a new, larger office space to handle increased work load.
To create 25+ new non-smokers.
To assist 25+ clients release baggage/neg emotions through breakthrough sessions
What are your greatest challenges?
Staying focused!! I am so nebular and multi-tasking in my brain, I find it challenging to focus on one thing at a time to completion. It’s something I’m working on with my coach. Yes, I have a coach. Every great coach knows the value of having a coach themselves to see *MY* blind spots.
What are your favorite restaurants?
Bistro Vendome on Larimer is spectacular!! Actually, anything Beth and Chef Jen do together is rockstar level.
Capital Grille, just a few doors down, also on Larimer, made the list after my experience there last weekend.
What is something most people don't know about you?
I was a Cecchetti level V ballet dancer and teacher until I was 20. I still like to bust a move at any event with a dance floor. I’m also big on community involvement and sit on two non-profit boards.
Why do you think it's important for people to shop local?
I came from a suburb of Flint, Michigan back in 1992. I saw what “putting all the eggs in one basket” philosophy did for the economy of my home town. Everything was based on how the automotive industry (GM/Ford) did that fiscal year – even if your business was not related at all. When I got to Colorado and saw how the ABC (always buy Colorado) was a mindset and lifestyle here, I was super jazzed to get on that train. Business supporting community and community supporting business.
What are some of the highest highs you've had in life so far?
My husband and I taking my youngest Goddaughter (age 7) to Ireland for her dad’s wedding was definitely an amazing experience – especially when we all got to take turns sitting in the Iron Throne from GOT! I’ve danced on stage with Morris Day and the Time. I’ve swam with sea lions in Ecuador. I’ve meditated in the volcanic lava tubes at Kilauea. I’ve been super blessed to create some phenomenal experiences in my lifetime.
What is your most memorable customer experience?
A woman I worked with about 10 years ago came to me to quit smoking. She and her husband wanted children and she was having a very challenging time getting pregnant. In the session, I asked if we could release the fear she had around getting pregnant and being a mom. We did the session. She left a non-smoker (and has never picked up smoking again). The next year, her son was born. I’ve gotten to see his beautiful smile on Facebook. She just reached out to me last month and let me know that she herself went back to school and became a hypnotherapist because of the work we did together and how powerful an experience she had.
Where are your favorite places to go around town?
I loved Meow Wolf! I want to go back again!! I enjoy the Botanic Gardens, especially their special events – like when they had the Chihuly glass exhibit or they do sound healing work. I am super partial to Sloane’s Lake. Sitting at Rupert’s with a great cup of coffee overlooking the lake makes me smile.
Anything exciting going on that customers should know about?
Yes!! Sacred Awakening: Evolve Your Spirit is an incredible energy workshop on Saturday, October 8th at the Denver Marriott West. Learn about handling the energy of money, relationships, communication, time, action, crystals, moving energy in your body. We’ll end the main session with a brilliant gong sound healing. There’s a unique opportunity to add on the evening workshop making your own personalized Mala, setting your energetic intention as you create!
Check out the details at:
What is the best way for customers to contact you?
Folks can book a free zoom call if you just want to ask some questions and find out if we’re a good fit for each other. You can get on my schedule using the link:
Quit Smoking:
Watch Part 2 of this week's episode featuring Sean's first hand testimonial for Terri's 60 minute quit smoking program.
Ascent Coaching and Consulting:
What does the future hold for you?
Next up?? I’m joining the ranks of YouTubers with a new channel called “#OPW” #OPW was born from a conversation with my nephew when in his 14-year old teen angst. I gave him some tidbits I referred to as “Old People Wisdom.” Since then, he and others regularly check in for a dose of #OPW – as Joaquin coined the phrase. Everyone’s been telling me it should be more accessible, so let’s give it a go!